bot Complaints Information

Complaint Process

We value your feedback, good or bad. Please let us know what you think of our service.

Any feedback you provide is used to help us in our efforts to continually improve and grow. 

As a customer focused company, it is rare that we receive a complaint, though when a problem does occur you can be sure we will promptly work hard to resolve in line with our set procedures and regulatory standards. 

In the event of a complaint being necessary, please email: and within 2 working hours of your complaint, we will reply to confirm receipt. 

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint immediately, however, if we are unable to do so, we will write to you within 5 working days to acknowledge it has been received and confirm our understanding. We will send you a copy of this, our complaints handling procedure.  If your complaint is resolved within 3 working days we will issue a Summary Resolution Communication to confirm that the complaint was received and resolved and details of where this could be referred to if the resolution was not satisfactory 

Should the issue be more complex, we will endeavour to handle your complaint so that our response is handled within the 8 week deadline as given by the financial conduct authority. If we cannot resolve within 4 weeks, our trade body can be approached to arbitrate within the remaining 4 week time limit as detailed below. 

Should our resolution not be acceptable, there are also options to escalate to either: 

BVRLA (our trade body) as detailed above. The BVRLA is our trade body operate an arbitration service, designed to assist with any complaint that is not resolved to your satisfaction. You can obtain a complaint form via this link: 

Should you complaint need any further action, there is also: 

Financial Ombudsman Service